Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Chapter 8 Living to the Glory of God
While Athanasius has provided a brief introduction to Christianity, he hopes readers will continue to plumb the depths of truth through the study of Scripture. Furthermore, although Athanasius has focused primarily on the first coming of Christ, we also ought to look to the second coming of Christ. In between, we need Christian virtue to guide the mind toward truth in Christ. All of this is to the glory of the triune God. *** §56 – The First and Second Comings of Christ Here then, O blessed one, is our offering to you who love Christ, a brief statement of the faith of Christ and of the manifestation of his divinity to us. This will give you a beginning, and you must go on to prove its truth by the study of the Scriptures. They were written and inspired by God; and we, who have learned from inspired teachers who
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