Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Aimed at Renewal Athanasius was many things (bishop, theologian, ascetic 13 ), but he was first and foremost a pastor who proclaimed truth as a way of caring for his people. He believed, as Scripture teaches, that theology is for life. In fact, the majority of Athanasius’s writings are letters or essays that are responding to particular needs in the church. And just as the apostle Paul told the young Timothy to watch his doctrine and life closely (1Tim4:16), Athanasius concludes On the Incarnation by talking about how biblical truth and a godly life must go hand in hand. For Athanasius, the Christian life finds its place within the story of God’s re creation project. Just as God is renewing creation through his Son, the Christian life is one of renewal in Christ. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone; behold, the new has come” (2 Cor 5:17). This is why On the Incarnation , although primarily a book about Christ, is still a book on the Christian life. Because, for Athanasius, the Christian life is grounded in the good news of what Christ has done for us. A Christ-centered theology is the foundation for a Christ-centered life. As Peter Leithart says, “For Athanasius . . . the contemplative gaze is a transforming gaze.” 14 As we fix our eyes on Jesus, understanding and experiencing the fullness of his grace, we are transformed from one degree of glory to the next. The Christian life is about being renewed into the image of Christ by the Spirit to the glory of the Father.
13 Ascetic – A person with an intense focus on the discipline of soul and body. The Greek root of the word is also the basis for the word “monk.” 14 Leithart, Athanasius , 62.
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