Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life


Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

with you to destruction.” And when Antony had said this it vanished like smoke from the face of fire.

§12 – Alone in the Mountain Then again as he went on he saw what was this time not visionary, but real gold scattered in the way. But whether the devil showed it, or some better power to test the athlete and show the evil one that Antony truly did not care for money, he did not tell nor do we know. But it is certain that what appeared was gold. And Antony marveled at the quantity, but passed by it as though he were going over fire; so he did not even turn, but hurried on at a run to lose sight of the place. More and more confirmed in his purpose, he hurried to the mountain, and having found a fort, so long deserted that it was full of creeping things, on the other side of the river, he crossed over to it and lived there. The reptiles, as though someone were chasing them, immediately left the place. But he built up the entrance completely, having stored up loaves for six months—this is a custom of the Thebans, 8 and the loaves often remain fresh a whole year—and, as he found water within, he descended as into a holy place and lived within by himself, never going out nor looking at anyone who came. Thus, he spent a long time training himself and received loaves, let down from above, twice a year. §13 – A Visit from Friends But those of his friends who came, since he did not permit them to enter, often used to spend days and nights outside, and heard as it were crowds within talking, clattering, sending forth pitiful voices and crying, “Go from what is

8 Thebans – People from the city of Thebes, the ancient capital of Upper Egypt.

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