Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Appendix 1: The Life of Antony


hearing him and looking upon him, did not despise wealth and console himself in his poverty? What monk, having being neglectful, came to him and became not all the stronger? What young man, having come to the mountain and seen Antony, did not then deny himself pleasure and love temperance? Who, when tempted by a demon, came to him and did not find rest? And who came troubled with doubts and did not get peace of mind? §89 – Antony Nears Death It is worthwhile that I should relate, and that you, as you wish it, should hear, what his death was like. For this end of his is worthy of imitation. According to his custom, he visited the monks in the outer mountain and, having learned from providence that his own end was at hand, he said to the sisters and brothers, “This is my last visit to you which I shall make. And I shall be surprised if we see each other again in this life. At length the time of my departure is at hand, for I am nearly one hundred and five years old.” And when they heard it they wept, and embraced and kissed the old man. But he, as though sailing from a foreign city to his own, spoke joyously and exhorted them, “Not to grow idle in their labors, nor to become faint in their training, but to live as though dying daily (Luke 9:23). And as he had said before, zealously to guard the soul from repulsive thoughts, eagerly to imitate the saints, and to have nothing to do with the Meletian 11 schismatics, for you know their wicked and profane character. Nor have any fellowship

11 Meletians – A group that broke away from the church of Alexandria over the issue of how to respond to lapsed Christians who desired to return to the church. The Meletians opposed Athanasius when he first became bishop of Alexandria.

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