Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
In the same way, the book of Psalms whose fundamental characteristic is that of song, sings within the full range of the voice accompanied by melodies about the matters recorded in detail in the other books, as I mentioned previously. But sometimes it also legislates: Cease from evil and leave wrath behind (Ps 37:8). And: Decline from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it (Ps 34:14). And sometimes it also narrates about Israel’s journey, or it prophecies about the Savior, just as was said previously. Therefore, let there be a common grace of the Spirit with all of Scripture and let the same grace which is in all of the books be found present in each book as the situation demands and as the Spirit wills. For the greater and the lesser in this do not differ according to need, since each unyieldingly fulfills and completes its own service. Indeed, the book of Psalms also has a certain grace of its own and an elevated style. For in addition to the other things it has in common with the other books, it has this amazing aspect—that within it the movements of each soul with all its changes and chastisements are detailed and worked out. The result is that anyone who really wants to receive or to understand from its limitless possibilities finds himself formed in just the way we find written there in the Psalms. For in the other books you only hear the law pronounced—what you need to do and not to do. And you listen and pay attention to the prophets as the only way to know the coming of the Savior, or you turn to the historical books in order to know about what the kings and the saints did. But when you listen to the book of the Psalms you not only learn about these things, but also §10 – The Psalms Uniquely Engage the Emotions of the Soul
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