Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Appendix 2: On the Psalms


as was said above, a better understanding of the inner movements of our own soul. All of what they say concerns us, and so their words come across as though they were our words. They serve as a reminder of the inner movements within us and as a corrective for our daily conduct. 8 For these are the things the singers are communicating and they can serve as examples and patterns for us. §13 – The Virtue of Christ Resounds in the Psalms Moreover, the same grace comes from the Savior, for he became man for us and offered his own body into death for us in order that everyone might be delivered from death. And wanting to bring to light his own citizenship that is heavenly and well pleasing, he typified it in himself so that some might no longer be so easily deceived by the enemy, having his victory over the devil which he accomplished for us as their security against stumbling. For this reason, he not only taught but also practiced what he taught, so that as each person hears what the Savior says, he might receive from him—just as if he were looking at an image in a mirror—the paradigm of what to do, hearing: Learn from me, for I am meek and humble in heart (Matt 11:29). You could not find a more perfect example in virtuous teaching than what the Lord exemplified in himself. For whether in patient endurance, or love of humankind, or goodness, or manliness, or mercifulness, or righteousness—all of these you find occurring in him, with the result that there should be no aspect in virtue that is missing in anyone who comprehends this human life of his. For Paul knows this when he says: Be imitators of me, just as I am of Christ (1 Cor 11:1). Those Greek legislators exhibited an extraordinary

8 The Greek word has the idea of citizenship attached to it.

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