Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life


Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

If . . .

Then Read . . .

Asking God for mercy

Psalm 67 Psalm 73 Psalm 74

Unsettled by the ungodly prospering

Comforting people

Confessing sin

Psalms 9, 10, 75, 92, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 118, 136, 138

Putting the opinions of the heretics to shame Psalm 76 Praying in great distress Psalm 77 Enemies profane the house of God Psalm 79 Singing to God Psalms 81, 95 Enemies threaten the house of God Psalm 83 Longing for the eternal house of God Psalm 84 God’s wrath subsides Psalms 85, 126 Confronting division Psalm 86 Encouraging godliness Psalm 91 Singing on the Sabbath Psalm 92 Giving thanks on the Lord’s Day Psalm 24 Singing praises on the 2nd day of the week Psalm 48 Offering glory to God Psalm 93 Singing for the victory of the cross Psalm 93 Being held captive Psalm 96 The land has rest from war Psalm 97 Singing praises Psalm 94 Teaching people obedience Psalm 100 Learning of God’s power in judging Psalm 101 Feeling anxious Psalm 102

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