Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life


Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Discussion Questions

What is one difficult circumstance you are going through right now? Can you or the group think of a psalm that would be helpful for that partic ular circumstance? Athanasius says the Psalms ultimately point to Christ. Read Psalm 2. How is this psalm fulfilled in Christ. After discussing, read Acts 4:23–32 to see how the New Testament authors interpreted Psalm 2.

Athanasius says the Psalms engage “the emotions of the soul” (§10). How have your emotions played a role in your faith?

Read Psalm 1. What role does God’s word play in the life of God’s people?

What ways have you heard of Christians regularly incorporating the Psalms in their daily lives? For example, some Christians read one psalm each day. How could you incorporate the Psalms into your daily routines? 1

1 For more on rhythms of praying the Psalms, see Hank Voss, “Soul Work and Soul Care: Doing ‘Psalm Work’ with Augustine and Friends” in Carmen Joy Imes, ed., Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends , Sacred Roots Spiritual Classics 1 (Upland, IN: Samuel Morris Publications, 2021), 277–92

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