Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Afterword Athanasius offers a beautiful vision of the Christian life. While we were made for immortality (eternal life) with God, our sin separated us from God, bringing corruption and death. But God, in his grace, sent his Son to rescue sinners and renew creation. On the Incarnation is a brief yet profound portrayal of the person and work of Christ. The Life of Antony shows us what renewal looks like practically in the life of one person. And On the Psalms teaches us that all of this (what we know about Christ and how we live in Christ) is grounded in Scripture. There are at least three lessons that I hope each reader takes away from these works. Christ is central. Athanasius offers a radically Christ centered view of theology and of the world. Jesus is the revelation of the Father and the one anointed by the Spirit. He is the apex of the biblical story and the turning point of our stories. This means that the Christian life is not


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