Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life


Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

The Life of Athanasius Athanasius was born around AD 296 in North Africa in the city of Alexandria. 1 The name “Athanasius” is Greek and means “immortal,” which is a fitting name considering what would become of his theology and legacy. Although Athanasius did not grow up in a Christian home, he became a follower of Jesus early in life and was baptized along with his mother. Legend has it that Athanasius was playing on the beach, pretending to be the apostle Peter, when Alexander (the bishop of Alexandria) saw him playing and invited the young Athanasius to be his student. Athanasius would grow into a young man under Alexander’s training and eventually accompany the bishop to the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. While the Council of Nicaea would be the most important council in the history of the church, it began as an in house squabble between Egyptian church leaders. Arius, a dynamic priest in Alexandria, taught that Jesus was not eternally the son of God but rather was created by God. Bishop Alexander strongly disagreed and argued from Scripture that Jesus has always been the Son of God and is therefore coeternal with the Father. The teachings of Arius, however, grew into a widespread movement known as Arianism, and began to influence Christians throughout the Roman Empire. When division became unbearable, Roman Emperor Constantine (who had recently converted to Christianity) called for a council to bring unity throughout the church and the empire.

1 Scholars agree Athanasius was born sometime between AD 295–299, although the exact year is disputed. Many details of Athanasius’s childhood are unclear.

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