Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Chapter 3 The Incarnation as the Divine Solution

How can God uphold his purposes for his beloved creation while also dealing with sin, corruption, and death? God’s solution is to send his Son in the flesh to re-create the world by grace. Jesus, who by nature could not die, took on a human body so that he might die in place of sinners, thereby abolishing death and giving new life. While humanity has rejected God and worshiped creation instead of the Creator, the good news of Jesus restores our relationship with God and redirects our worship back to him. God’s solution to the dilemma is to send his Son as man in order to destroy death, renew humanity in the image of God, and re-create the world through the counterintuitive means of crucifixion. *** §8 – He Took a Body so that He Could Die For this purpose, then, the incorporeal, incorruptible, and immaterial Word of God entered our world. In one sense,


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