Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life


Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

of his becoming human. He formed his own body from the virgin; and that is no small proof of his divinity, since he who made that was the Maker of all else. And would not anyone infer from the fact of that body being begotten of a virgin only, without human father, that he who appeared in it was also the Maker and Lord of all beside? Again, consider themiracle at Cana.Would not anyone who saw the substance of water turned into wine understand that he who did it was the Lord and Maker of the water that he changed (John 2:1–11)? It was for the same reason that he walked on the sea as on dry land—to prove to the onlookers that he had mastery over all. And the feeding of the multitude, when he made little into much, so that from five loaves five thousand mouths were filled—did not that prove him none other than the very Lord whose mind is over all? §19 – The Cross Reveals Christ’s Divinity All these things the Savior thought fit to do, so that, recognizing his bodily acts as works of God, people who were blind to his presence in creation might regain knowledge of the Father. For, as I said before, who that saw his authority over evil spirits and their response to it could doubt that he was, indeed, the Son, the Wisdom, and the Power of God? Even the very creation broke silence at his command and, marvelous to relate, confessed with one voice before the cross, that monument of victory, that he who suffered in the body was not human only, but Son of God and Savior of all. The sun veiled its face, the earth quaked, the mountains were rent asunder, all people were stricken with awe. These things showed that Christ on the

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