Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life


Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Discussion Questions

For Athanasius, salvation is aimed at not only human souls but also all of creation. Is that different than what you have heard in church? If so, how? According to Athanasius, why did God become human? Try to summarize his argument in your own words. What do you think it means to be remade into the image of God? If our sinful nature leads us to worship created things rather than the Creator, what is something in your life that you are tempted to value over God? What would it look like for you to allow Jesus to redirect your worship back to God? If God is renewing all of creation, how can you practically participate in his work of renewal in your sphere of influence? What is broken around you that you long to see made new by grace? Is there a Scripture you could memorize or meditate on that would help hide the truth of this chapter in your heart?

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