Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life



yet, Athanasius’s impact goes far beyond the fourth century. His championing of Nicaea laid a foundation for Christians across the world for centuries to come. As John Behr has said, “Nicene Christianity exists by virtue of his constancy and vision.” 5

Timeline of Athanasius’s Life 296 Born 318

Arian Controversy Breaks Out


Constantine Becomes Sole Emperor of Rome


Council of Nicaea


Becomes Bishop of Alexandria

328–335 Writes On the Incarnation 335–337 First Exile (Gaul) 339–346 Second Exile (Rome) 356–362 Third Exile (Egyptian Desert) 356 Writes The Life of Antony 362–364 Fourth Exile (Egyptian Desert) 365–366 Fifth Exile (Egyptian Desert) 373 Athanasius Dies

5 John Behr, “Introduction,” in Saint Athanasius, On the Incarnation , Popular Patristics Series 44B (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimirs Seminary Press, 2011), 19.

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