Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Chapter 5 The Resurrection of Christ

The destruction of death was accomplished through the cross of Christ. The resurrection, according to Athanasius, is a pledge and token of the victory of the cross. In other words, the resurrection reveals and inaugurates the salvation achieved through the crucifixion of Christ. And because death has been defeated, followers of Jesus do not need to live in fear, not even of death, for they have eternal life. The greatest evidence for the resurrection, argues Athanasius, is the works of the risen Christ today in the lives of believers and throughout the world. The resurrection of Jesus is the firstfruits of the incorruptible new creation. ***

§26 – The Resurrection as the Pledge of Christ’s Victory on the Cross

Fitting indeed, then, and wholly consonant was the death on the cross for us; and we can see how reasonable it


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