Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Series Preface Christian spiritual classics are non-canonical texts testified to across centuries and cultures as helpful for soul work and soul care. While spiritual classics are not on the same level as Scripture, they are deep and wide texts written by master practitioners in the way of Jesus. These texts have stood the test of time ( deep ), having been read by Christian leaders for many decades or even centuries. These classics have also been read with profit across many cultures ( wide ). When apprenticing themselves to these wise authors, Christian leaders across many generations and diverse cultures have found themselves helped with nurturing their own souls and caring for the souls of others. Sacred Roots Spiritual Classics equip urban, rural, and incarcerated congregational leaders with the wealth of the Christian tradition. In partnership with The UrbanMinistry Institute (TUMI), each Sacred Roots Spiritual Classic is divided intoeight chapters tocorrespondtoTUMI’sCapstone Curriculum modules ( Additionally, each Sacred Roots Spiritual Classic is assigned a specific subject


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