Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Acknowledgments Reading a book that is around seventeen hundred years old makes me realize that I am a part of something so much bigger thanmyself. Jesus lived, died, and rose from the grave, and then sent his followers to make disciples of all nations. Their message reached the people of Egypt (including Athanasius) and the people of America (including me). My life is a result of God’s work through many generations and cultures, and for that I am incredibly grateful. My gratitude extends not only to those in the past who have impacted my life, but also to those who make me who I am today. My wife, Tiffany, is my best friend and the greatest source of encouragement and support in my life. My daughters—Ashlyn, Lauryn, Evelyn, and Katelyn— bring me an abundance of joy. I love you all. Hank Voss is one of my dearest friends, and I am so grateful for his constant encouragement for me to do this project. Isaiah Swain has been a reliable guide from beginning to end. Colin Davis put in hard work in helping me throughout. Thank you all.
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