Ripe for Harvest


Seeing the Big Picture: Defining Values/Vision Team Exercise (Individual): Values Ranking Worksheet

Rank order the following from 1-7 (“1” – most important). Only choose seven, even though they are all important. Avoid combining values!

Teaching God’s Word Fellowship Cell church or small groups Worship Prayer Training/equipping members to use gifts Ministry to young people and children Stable leadership Reputation in the community Use of spiritual gifts Multi-cultural representation

Church government Financial priorities Assimilation and follow-up Spiritual disciplines (study, prayer) Building the body Outreach Ministry to adults Counseling/pastoral care Music ministry Social justice ministry Discipleship

Administration World missions Reaching out to the community

Worship style Preaching style Worship format Charismatic orientation Ethnic/cultural focus Group structures Evangelistic strategy Justice issues Leadership styles

Planning and setting goals Assimilating new attendees Close relationships

Doctrinal purity Varied programs Other(s):

Context Values/Vision Prepare Launch Assemble Nurture Transition Schedule/Charter

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