Ripe for Harvest


The eight exercises build progressively on each other and are arranged around the PLANT acronym (see the table “Overview of Exercise Phases for World Impact’s Evangel School of Urban Church Planting” in sessions 2-5). The table below lists the eight exercises in the order they appear.


Team Exercise

Seeing the Big Picture: Establishing the Context

Session 1, Team Exercise #1

Seeing the Big Picture: Defining Values/Vision

Session 1, Team Exercise #2

Session 2, Team Exercise #3

Prepare: Be the Church

Session 3, Team Exercise #4

Launch: Expand the Church

Session 3, Team Exercise #5

Assemble: Establish the Church

Session 4, Team Exercise #6

Nurture: Mature the Church

Session 4, Team Exercise #7

Transition: Release the Church

Bringing It All Together: The Team Charter

Session 5, Team Exercise #8

• Presentations . One of the most helpful activities for your team will be sharing with other teams the results of your reflection and dialogue together. Each Session allows for you to share with others some of your more important insights, questions, and issues that you gleaned together from your Team Exercise dis cussion. Be open and observant during this activity – without a doubt, some of the best ideas you will hear will not necessarily be ones which you thought up! Allow the Lord to give you new ideas through the other team participants. • Charting Your Own Course . Whether you are planting a church within your own culture, or within an association or denomination and you know what your make-up, governance, transition, and framework will be after the church is planted, this section is especially written for you. Here you will find specific notes of action steps or key principles that you should be aware of as you make plans to start the process of planting a church within your own culture or community. This section will ask you to bring

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