The SIAFU Guidebook
Part I I I : Forming a Company 109
month, minimum) to plan out Chapter business, address ongoing issues, and review progress toward its goals. The more you can get together to prayerfully consider what is happening and what you believe God wants you to do, the better and more effective your Chapter will be. 3. Stay in touch with communication from TUMI International. Read carefully the regular e-mails and newsletters that you will receive, and stay informed of all the upcoming retreats, conferences, and service ideas we provide, including all SIAFU Blog and published resources. 4. Communicate what God is doing with other Chapters in the Network. You can easily upload your photos and stories every quarter to the SIAFU Network headquarters online. The SIAFU website is a great resource to expose your Chapter to others who are doing great things for the Lord, and will be a ready resource to provide you with addi- tional testimonies, videos, and photos of amazing things God is doing. You also will be able to harvest great ideas for your Chapter meetings and service projects, and find practical ideas to encourage and challenge those in your Chapter to go on with the Lord. 5. Be sure to renew your annual membership. The renewal process is simple and affordable. You can renew your membership each year as a SIAFU Chapter by simply reviewing and affirming the SIAFU Statement of Faith, paying the annual renewal fee of $25, and confirming your church or ministry’s continued sponsorship of your Chapter. 6. Access TUMI’s resources to edify and equip your SIAFU Chapter members. Remember, many resources exist to strengthen you as you lead and expand your Chapter’s numbers and influence:
a. The SIAFU Network Guidebook : this one-stop guidebook provides all you need to establish your SIAFU Chapter
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