The SIAFU Guidebook
Appendix 137
• One copy of the Mo’ Power Spiritual Warfare Series CD (which contains a digital studio mixed version of the SIAFU Chant )
• One 24” x 36” SIAFU poster
Suggested Service Projects A constantly updated list of potential service projects that your SIAFU Chapter can do to show Christ’s love to your church and/or community Listing of SIAFU Events and Conferences SIAFU-sponsored events and conferences provide opportunities for worship, networking, service, and partnership among Chapters • Fit to Represent: The Vision for Discipleship Seminar : TUMI’s attempt to raise up a new generation of qualified spiritual laborers who will catch the passion to invest in others for the sake of the Church and Christ’s Kingdom • The Sacred Roots Follow-Up Curriculum : a biblical and practical follow-up course for new and growing Christians in the city • Jesus Cropped from the Picture (by Don Allsman): an insightful commentary on the problem of why Christians get bored and how to overcome it • Sacred Roots: A Primer on the Great Tradition : an overview of the foundation of Christian faith and practice, and how we can renew our contemporary faith • Get Up and Go: Lessons in Freedom and the Power to Produce (by Daniel Davis): a look at creative freedom through the lens of punk culture, and what it can teach disciples of Christ today on how to live free for Christ • Let God Arise! Prayer Booklet and Prayer Brochure : a challenging prayer booklet issuing a call to people to intercede on behalf of the healing and transformation of the cities of America and the world Resources for Discipleship and Leadership
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