The SIAFU Guidebook

Introduction: Welcome to the Mother of All Battles


We have created an elegant, simple structure specifically designed to connect urban believers, both men and women, to come together, to pray, fellowship, and challenge one another to fight for the sake of their churches, families, and communities. We hope to facilitate their efforts by strengthening the ties and connections among urban churches and Christians through the sponsorships of regional men’s and women’s conferences, and the establishment of local SIAFU Chapters where urban Christians regularly gather to edify and equip one another through prayer, testimony, worship, teaching, and training. We will facilitate and encourage regional conferences and Chapters to sponsor their own SIAFU workshops, seminars, and training sessions on the specialized needs and interests of their members. God willing, we hope to create over time a lively online presence filled with helpful resources (both hard copy and digital) that will be specially designed to address the particular needs and goals of urban Christians as they seek to advance the Kingdom where they live. *For Chapters on the Inside Please remember that although a church or ministry will be sponsoring the SIAFU Chapter on the inside, under no circumstances can any church- or ministry-sponsored SIAFU chapter change, overrule, or ignore the formal policies of the correctional facility they exist in. Chapters on the inside must function under the jurisdiction and oversight of the correctional system which has allowed them to host such a gathering in their facility.

The Driver Ant, Locally Known as ‘Siafu’ ( Dorylus nigricans ) Driver ants have the largest colonies of any social insect. When they swarm the effect is so daunting that the whole jungle flees; even elephants are said to run from them. There are at least two castes: workers measure about 0.5 cm in length, and soldiers are almost three times that size. The queen resembles a large ant with

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