The SIAFU Guidebook

36 The SIAFU Network Guidebook

Join the SIAFU Network in Order to Strengthen Your Local Church

SIAFU is built on a deep conviction and allegiance to local churches, under the authority of local pastors. Through your Chapter you will create a forum to help you identify and equip your leadership pool in your congregation. Your Chapter will enable them to assemble together, befriend one another, and challenge each other to display their love for Christ through service projects. Join the SIAFU Network in Order to Touch Your Neighborhood with the Love of Christ Because we affirm that we were created in Christ for good works (Eph. 2.8-10), SIAFU Chapters select ministry projects to serve and care for others, both inside and outside the church, resulting in real transformation in our communities. This book is designed to enable you to think through the arguments and evidence for the cause of mobilizing urban Christians together for the sake of ministry and mission in the city. Part I, Assembling God’s Warriors: Toward a Strategy to Win the City, deals with the basic principles and truths that undergird the idea of mobilizing urban disciples for action. Part II, Making the Case: Why You Need a SIAFU Chapter in Your Church , poses and refutes the top objections to forming a SIAFU Chapter in a church, answering those objections in the spirit of faith that God has given to those who are the least in this world. Finally, Part III, Forming a Company: The How-To’s of Starting Your SIAFU Chapter , lays out practically and simply all the steps you’ll need to take if you choose to start your own SIAFU Chapter. And, of course, any questions that you fail to get answers to in this meaty little guidebook can be found on our website, , a one-stop place to get what you need related to the SIAFU Network. Let us who love the city affirm with all our hearts that God is raising up an army of urban disciples whom he is preparing to mobilize to advance his Kingdom and strengthen his Church. These will undoubtedly be ordinary men and women who love the Lord and their families, who love the Church and the Word, and who look for the return of Christ. God will use common folk who are filled with the Holy Spirit to mobilize

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