The SIAFU Guidebook
Part I I : Making the Case
Setting Forth Our Case: Answering the Objections to Mobilizing Urban Disciples for Revival in the Cities of America
The promise of a revived urban America is desirable, but that does not mean that the SIAFU Network or any other national initiative has God’s blessing or should be supported. In order to deal bluntly and clearly with the major objections to starting a SIAFU Chapter, we have listed ten clear, credible objections to the whole idea of SIAFU. Other move- ments have come and gone and have given the same sales pitch. They tend to entice urban churches and urban leaders to “get on the bandwagon,” and essentially join them. SIAFU’s entire orientation, however, is completely different. The basic assumption of the SIAFU Network is that if God is going to reach and transform the ailing inner cities of America, he will do this through healthy, vital church movements which spring up in neighbor- hoods, and then do the work of the Kingdom in the midst of their neighbors. City folk will be God’s means to reach city folk. If this thesis is true, then any movement that tends to want to support city folk must answer the objections directly, honestly, and forthrightly. This entire part of the guidebook is designed to highlight a critical objection, give an answer concisely and clearly, and then provide a little commentary that discusses both the objection and the answer. Of course, we are neither suggesting nor contending that only ten objections exist concerning SIAFU. (Perhaps you will think of other questions and objections, which we will be happy to address directly through our contact section on our SIAFU website page). The point in this exercise is not only to answer these objections, but also to demonstrate our openness in the Network to deal with thorny, hard issues with an open heart and mind. If the SIAFU Network is from the Lord, it will pursue the truth in all things, as the truth will certainly set us free to accom- plish the will of God together, as the Spirit leads (John 8.31-32).
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