The SIAFU Guidebook
68 The SIAFU Network Guidebook
ministry is to bring folk into the body of Christ, to incorporate them into Christ’s church as full members and recipients of the grace of God.
Moreover, SIAFU Chapters can allow you a means by which you can incorporate new and immature urban Christians into your church. It allows you to gather where they can hear the Good News, and befriend and incorporate those who repent and believe. It allows you encourage them in their faith and challenge them to be disciples. Since every Chapter sponsors service projects for the benefit of the church and community, it will also allow them to learn how to do good works, how to engage in practical efforts of care and servanthood, and how to be hospitable and generous. In other words, simply saying that your church is inhospitable to sinners is no excuse for disobeying our Lord in receiving those who repent and believe into our family! Remember, the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes – every person who is saved is also an ex-offender (including you)!
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