The SIAFU Guidebook
Part I I : Making the Case
done has been designed to empower urban Christians to win those in their own neighborhoods.
Everything World Impact has initiated, including our TUMI ministry, has been for the purpose of empowering urban churches and their leaders to reach and transform their own communities for Christ – in the Holy Spirit, only urban folk can be empowered to win and equip urban folk! Outside organizations like World Impact may empower urban churches to accomplish the Great Commission in the city, but ultimately these outside groups will never be the agents through which God transforms the city. This is why we started SIAFU, to assist urban churches to form a network where urban believers can befriend, equip, and challenge one another to fulfill Christ’s commission in the city (Matt. 28.18-20). In the final analysis, only urban disciples will prove effective in making urban disciples. The SIAFU Network is anchored on this key biblical insight. For Chapters on the Inside A SIAFU Chapter requires stable, on-going leadership to be fruitful over time. Since population terms are both volatile and unknown in most prison settings, with much turnover occurring at a rapid rate (e.g., among inmates, chaplains, prison officials, and volunteers), SIAFU programs with leadership by a church on the outside are likely to be far more stable and effective. In addition, a church on the outside that sponsors a SIAFU Chapter can use its chapter program to do outreach inside the walls. It can also more naturally provide a pathway to incorporate returning citizens to its fellowship, once members are released on the outside. In other words, when an effective SIAFU identity is established on the inside, it will be more natural to connect with a SIAFU Chapter on the outside. The chances for real, lasting relationships are significantly increased when
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