Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church

A ppendix • 115

A ppendix 29 The Nature of Dynamic Church Planting Movements: Mapping the Elements of Effective Urban Mission Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

A Missional Appraisal of Dynamic Church Plant Movements

Shared Spirituality

People Group Identity

Dynamic Standardization

Level of Fruitfulness



Spiritual Formation Contextualization


Possessing a common spiritual identity in a church body that expresses the Great Tradition Presumes a valid, distinctive apostolic spiritual identity embodied in a church body (why and what) To express a common spiritual vision and discipline in shared practice Cultivated identity built on spirituality and practice Shared elements of spirituality and practice Divergent, dissimilar spirituality and practice

Rapidly reproducing healthy churches of a kind through shared protocols and resources Determines how that identity is formed, nourished, and multiplied (how) To organize and coordinate resources for the common good Integrated structures and common protocols Voluntary structures and optional protocols Iconoclastic structures and divergent protocols Arbitrary structures and random protocols

Affirming our freedom in Christ to embody the faith within ethnicity and culture Conditions how that identity is understood, practiced (where and with whom)



To contextualize within a culture or people group


Model 1

Full attention to culture and ethnicity

Most Effective

Model 2

More attention to culture and ethnicity

More Effective

Model 3

Some attention to culture and ethnicity

Less Effective

Fragmented approaches to spirituality and practice

Model 4

No attention to culture and ethnicity

Least Effective

Alternative Approaches in Church Planting

History and Identity ( Our Common Heritage ) Our church planting movements must anchor themselves in the Great Tradition while, at the same time, identify themselves within a church body which shares a common identity and history that all embrace, regardless of culture or ethnicity.

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