Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church

12 • T he E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : A pprenticed by the E arly C hurch

Dr. Carmen Joy Imes Carmen Joy Imes (PhD, Wheaton College) is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Prairie College in Three Hills, Alberta. She and her husband served as missionaries with SIM for fifteen years. Carmen is the author of Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (IVP 2019) and blogs at . Rev. Dr. Kwesi Kamau Rev. Dr. Kwesi Kamau is an author, activist theologian, and serves as the Lead Pastor of IMPACT Church in Dallas, Texas. His writing, speaking, preaching, and teaching have served to inspire thousands to live their best lives in service to God and humanity. Dr. Kamau also leads Impact Discipleship, LLC, to empower churches to comprehensively transform their communities from the inside out through prayer and discipleship. He has written several books, including A Passion for Prayer and Better Days: Encouragements for Every Day . First and foremost a family man, Dr. Kamau is grateful to share his life and ministry with his wife, Monti, their five fantastic children—Nia, Jada, Bailey, Josiah, and Jeremiah, and his mother, Ann Bailey. Rev. Eric Himelick Eric and Rachelle Himelick are currently serving as the Director of Urban Ministry and Development for Evangelistic Faith Missions. They live with their six children— Kaylynn, Rebecca, Sarah, Samuel, Esther, and Karissa—in Upland, Indiana, at Victory Acres Farm. Eric graduated in 2000 from Union Bible College with a degree in Pastoral Ministry. Rachelle attended UBC for two years. They served as the founding directors of Victory Inner-City Ministries for fifteen years before joining EFM in June 2015.

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