Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church
A ppendix • 133
21. On the Love of God , by Bernard of Clairvaux
22. Poems , by Frederick Faber
23. Poems , by Isaac Watts
24. Proslogium , by Anselm
25. The Quiet Way , by Gerhard Tersteegen
26. Revelations of Divine Love , by Julian of Norwich
27. The Scale of Perfection , by Walter Hilton
28. Sermons , by John Tauler
29. Song of Songs , by Bernard of Clairvaux
30. The Spiritual Combat , by Lorenzo Scupoli
31. The Spiritual Guide , by Michael Molinos
32. Talks of Instruction , by Meister Eckhart
33. Theologia Germanica (Winkworth translation), Anonymous
34. The Vision of God , by Nicholas of Cusa
35. The Way of Christ , by Jacob Boehme
There are many other lists of spiritual classics available for those interested in exploring the deep mines of the spiritual writings of the Great Tradition. Other lists of spiritual classics and introductions to their contents can be found in the volumes below. Bernhard M Christensen. The Inward Pilgrimage: An Introduction to Christian Spiritual Classics , Rev. ed. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1996.
Edward Donnelly, ed. You Must Read: Books That Have Shaped Our Lives. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 2015.
Arthur Holder, ed. Christian Spirituality: The Classics. New York: Routledge, 2010.
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