Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church
A ppendix • 139
Carl Ellis, ed. with Don Davis and Pastor R. C. Smith. Saving Our Sons: Confronting the Lure of Islam With Truth, Faith & Courage (Chicago, IMANI Books, 2007). Hank Voss. “Twenty Five Years of Church Planting Among the Poor: A Report,” in Planting Churches among the City’s Poor: An Anthology of Urban Church Planting Resources, Vol. 1. Ed. Don L. Davis. Wichita, KS: TUMI Press, 2015. pp. 471−510.
III. “Urban Ministry” and Church Planting among the Poor
World Impact has identified three expressions of the church for strategic purposes. These three expressions require different types of planters, resources, and strategic plans. All three expressions can be healthy representations of Christ’s kingdom in urban neighborhoods. The first expression is the Small (“House”) Church. These churches are gatherings of 20-50 people for smaller expressions of the body of Christ in a local neighborhood. The second expression is the Community (“Storefront”) Church. These churches range between 50 and 200 people and are among the most common expression of the church found in North America today. The third expression of the church is the Hub (“Mother”) Church. These churches are larger than 200 people and tend to serve as rally points for other churches in a particular neighborhood. Bunch, David, Jarvey Kneisel and Barbara Oden. Multihousing Congregations: How to Start and Grow Christian Congregations in Multihousing Communities. Atlanta, GA: Smith Publishing, 1991. This is an older resource, but it is one of the only resources that provides specific ideas for those planting a church in an apartment complexes, trailer parks, or other multi-housing units. Joel Comiskey. “Cell Church Reading List and Bibliography,” accessed June 2, 2015, articles/churchLeaders/cellreadinglistbibliography.htm. A. Church Plant Expressions 1. Planting Small “House” Churches
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