Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church

148 • T he E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : A pprenticed by the E arly C hurch

Scoggins, Dick. Handbook for House Churches . [on-line], accessed 1 December 1999, ; Internet.

A free resource on planting house churches.

Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird, “The State of Church Planting in the United States: Research Overview and Qualitative Study of Primary Church Planting Entities” ( The Leadership Network , 2007), /10228.pdf . This forty-page research report provides one of the most important big picture surveys of church planting in the United States currently available.

Gary Teja and John Wagenveld, eds. Planting Healthy Churches. Sauk Village, IL: Multiplication Network Ministries, 2015.

Free downloadable resource for students interested in church planting; PowerPoint and other teaching resources are also available.

VI. Women Church Planting

It can be difficult to find resources designed to support women involved in church planting. The following resources are either by or about women involved with church planting.

Allen, Tricia. “Single Church Planter: Singles Must Step Up to Lead.” Wesleyan Life 6 (Summer 2011): 6-7.

Chilcote, Paul Wesley. “Lessons from the ‘Society Planting’: Paradigm of Early Methodist Women: 2012 AETE Presidential Address.” Witness: Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education 27 (2013):5−30. Emmanuel Gospel Center. “The Unsolved Leadership Challenge: A Report on Greater Boston Church Planters and What They Believe about Women in Leadership,” October 2014, http://egc. org/sites/ Challenge_Church%20Planters%20and%20Women%20in%20 Leadership_0.pdf.

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