Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church

P lenary 1: T he N eed for A pprenticeship • 19

C. The biblical blueprint of a worthy apprenticeship

1. The call of God : a publicly acknowledged and confirmed call

2. The c haracter of Christ : proven character in the midst of lived life

3. The charisma of the Holy Spirit : anointing and gifting in the church

4. The connection to the church community : compelling testimony within and among the people of the body

D. Biblical examples of mentoring and apprenticeship

1. Moses and Joshua (Num. 27.15-20, cf. Josh. 1.1-2)

2. Elijah and Elisha (1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2)

3. David and his “mighty men” (1 Chron. 12)

4. Naomi and Ruth (Ruth 1)

5. Jesus and the Twelve (Mark 3.14)

6. Paul and Timothy (and his band), (Acts 20.4 cf. Phil.2.20-22)

7. Aquila and Priscilla alongside Apollos (Acts 18.26)

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