Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church
P lenary 1: T he N eed for A pprenticeship • 21
C. Empathy : We become friends with some of our deepest saints in times gone by.
1. We sit at their feet and learn from their actions (and mistakes).
2. We appreciate their “fierce tenderness” in engaging difficult conversations.
3. We gain a better perspective of the context of the Early Church, our ancestors in Christ.
D. Inspiration : We gain insights from their experience and reflection that point to new ways of thinking, worldview, and problem solving.
1. Their experience was powerful and moving.
2. They provide unique answers to really difficult questions.
3. They drill down to the bone on issues rarely discussed thoroughly today.
E. Reflection : We gain new language, concepts, and perspectives that enrich and challenge our understanding of our spiritual walk and mission.
1. We discover new ways to say the same things.
2. We see that the ancients did not claim to have or actually had all the answers.
3. They provide perspective (new points of view) to see and discuss old issues.
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