Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church

70 • T he E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : A pprenticed by the E arly C hurch

A ppendix 2 “Engage Scripture Like an Augustine?”

Wise mentors across church history have had powerful impact on their generation and many more because of their deep engagement with Scripture. Today, millions of global believers are apprenticing themselves to wise mentors and learning to practice Scripture Engagement. Below are some helpful descriptions of Scripture Engagement.

Scripture engagement calls us to a cycle of study-reflection-study- reflection, which leads to a deepened relationship with God and a changed life, is the most powerful process for developing spiritually.

~ Dr. Phil Collins, Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, Editor of the Abide Bible

Scripture engagement is interaction with the biblical text in a way that provides sufficient opportunity for the text to speak for itself by the power of the Holy Spirit, enabling readers and listeners to hear the voice of God and discover for themselves the unique claim Jesus Christ is making upon them.

~ Dr. Fergus Macdonald, Former Lausanne Executive Chair

Bible engagement is the process whereby people are connected with the Bible such that they have meaningful encounters with Jesus Christ and their lives are progressively transformed in Him.

~ Dr. Lawson Murray, President Scripture Union Canada

Facilitating life-changing encounters with God through His Word.

~ Wycliffe Asia-Pacific & SIL Asia Scripture Engagement Forum

Scripture Engagement is “encountering God’sWord in a life-changing way.”

~ Forum of Bible Agencies International

To learn more about Scripture Engagement visit the many free resources at

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