Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church
Greetings, dear friends and fellow warriors, in the strong name of Jesus Christ! Welcome to the Sacred Roots Thriving in Ministry, Apprenticed by the Early Church Evangel Gathering! We are excited about our partnership with Taylor University, Dr. Hank Voss and his colleagues, and with you to introduce a new generation to the wisdom and refreshment of the spiritual classics. Actually, we are not merely introducing you to classic works, but to leaders, church planters, bishops, Christian workers, mystics, poets, and excellent communicators of our faith. They were able to maneuver through tough times, weird doctrines, fierce persecution, and mind-numbing philosophies. In spite of it all, they came through with clarity, excellence, and grace, and provided us with insight and wisdom into powerful issues. Moreover, these men and women provided us with a pattern we can follow to see what it means to be both tenderhearted and tough minded, both of which are exhorted for our spiritual walk. Your participation in this conference signals to you our confidence and gratitude for attending this event. We want the ancients to train us, to bless us, to guide us, and to equip us to live faithfully in the midst of a crooked generation and troubled hour. We hope to inspire you to open your heart to being equipped by the formers of the faith, men and women whose spiritual depth and intellectual gifts can be embraced by all of us, and enrich every dimension of our discipleship in Christ. Your position and maturity make you a prime candidate to walk others through this journey of apprenticeship and learning, of spirituality and faith. We provide the presentations, dialogues, and resources of this conference for a single, dedicated purpose: to inspire you concerning the depth and richness of the ancient shapers of our spirituality and faith. If we form new relationships with them, and humbly listen to and learn from them, they can become our masters, training and equipping us in the insights and practices that forged a Christian generation that has given us our faith and generated our spiritual formation practices. It is a blessing to have you with us. Welcome to the event. May God enrich our hearts as we humbly learn from the masters of our faith, those men and women who can equip us
for a more fruitful life and ministry! Under the tutelage of the ancients, Rev. Dr. Don Davis
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