Sacred Roots Thriving in Ministry: Moving Forward to Multiply
P lenary 3: U nlimited I mpact • 29
B. Make disciples of all nations: the global scope of the Gospel, Mark 16
C. Making, baptizing, and teaching: the organic dissemination of submission, v. 19; 2 Tim. 2.2
V. Underwritten by Christ’s Own Presence: The Commission’s Lengthiness, v. 20
A. The absolute essential element of impact: the presence of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1.8
B. “My Brother, my Captain, my King”: Christ’s superintendence of the Commission, v. 20
C. “Not another second, not another moment without You”: till the end of the Age, Heb. 13.8
VI. Implications of the Unlimited Impact
A. “From everywhere to everyone”: everyone’s recruited to play their part, Rev. 22
B. The universal priesthood of all believers: the universal ministry, 1 Pet. 2.9-10
C. A new/but old strategy for universal enlistment: equipping the saints, Eph. 4
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