Spiritual Friendship: Learning to Be Friends with God and One Another


Spiritual Friendship

Discussion Questions

When do you remember making your first “friend”? What were the characteristics of that friendship? How important is friendship for all disciples of Jesus? What about those in spiritual leadership within the church? Which of the four subject

areas revealing insight about friendship do you find most interesting (Scripture, tradition, reason, experience)? Why?

Have you ever thought of friendship as a spiritual discipline? Does recognizing that friendship with people on earth can help us

grow in our friendship with God increase your desire to grow in the skill of making and keeping friends? Why or why not? What are ways you have made friends in the past? Is there a difference between how you have made “spiritual friends” (those who encourage your love for Christ) versus making other kinds of friends?

What habits do you currently have in place to develop and deepen friendships? How might reading this book with a group of friends help

you identify new habits of friendship or deepen current ones? Are you willing to change your habits? Do you think the goal of spiritual friendship is worth the cost?

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