Spiritual Friendship: Learning to Be Friends with God and One Another

Chapter 4: The Advantages and Excellence of Spiritual Friendship (Book 2.28–72)


Aelred says, “Friendship will be full of riches for those who cherish it when it is completely centered upon God; for those whom friendship

joins together, it immerses in the contemplation of God” (2.61). What are some practical things friends can do to center their friendship upon God? What are some benefits of choosing to center a friendship on God? Brainstorm a list of these benefits with a spiritual friend and keep the list in a place where you will see it often.

In 2.43 Aelred quotes Titus 2:12 as a description of the kind of people who can develop spiritual friendships. They are those seeking to live

“self-controlled, upright, and godly [lives] in the present age.” What habits might you pursue with a friend that would help you grow in self-control and godliness? Perhaps meeting with a friend on a regular basis to memorize Scripture, to confess sins, or to intercede for others are habits you are currently nurturing or considering starting. Brainstorm with your conversation partners what these habits might look like in your context.

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