Spiritual Friendship: Learning to Be Friends with God and One Another
Spiritual Friendship
used the ESV translation unless Aelred’s point is clearer from the Vulgate. Scripture references are given in relation to the ESV’s modern verse and chapter divisions. Parenthetical references to citations and many allusions to Scripture have been added. Passages alluded to have their parenthetical references in italics, whereas passages with direct quotations are cited in regular font. When quotations are from the Apocrypha, I have usually replaced the translation made by Williams with the NRSV; occasionally, I retained Williams’ English translation of the Vulgate. Direct quotations from Cicero use either the 1913 Harvard Classics translation or Williams’ translation depending on which I thought most clear. 2 Quotations from Ambrose occasionally are adapted to follow the translation of Davidson if I thought this would be helpful for readers. 3 In quotations, I have usually updated the language to reflect American, rather than British, spellings (e.g. “honorable,” not “honourable”).
2 Cicero’s text, On Friendship , is available in the public domain at the Internet History Sourcebook, www.sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/cicero-friendship.asp. 3 Ambrose, Introduction, Text and Translation , vol. 1 of Ambrose: De Officiis , ed. Ivor J. Davidson, Oxford Early Christian Studies (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001).
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