Stronger Together
Stronger Together - SIAFU Leadership Resource for Men and Women
SIAFU Leadership Resource for Men and Women
SIAFU Leadership Resource for Men and Women
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© 2018, World Impact, Inc. Midwest All Rights Reserved
Copying, redistributing, and/or sale of these materials, or any unauthorized transmission, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher is prohibited.
World Impact 3701 E. 13 th St. N. Wichita, Kansas 67208
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the ESV ® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® ), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Preface ....................................................................................... 5 How to Use This Resource.......................................................... 6 Urban Leadership Retreats..........................................................7 Preparing to Present .................................................................. 9 Stronger Together: The Promise .............................................. 13 Stronger Together: The Path ..................................................... 17 Stronger Together: The Power .................................................. 21 Appendices ................................................................................25 The First Step for Christ and His Kingdom............................ 26 Stronger Together Bible Study Guide .................................... 28 Recommended Reading ......................................................... 34 Who Am I? ............................................................................ 36 Once Upon a Time: The Cosmic Drama through a Biblical Narration of the World ......................................................... 39 Nicene Creed with Biblical Support ...................................... 42 ‘How - to Guide’ For Planning A Retreat: Hints & Tips............ 44
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Stronger Together 5
The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. God created us for community. When you acknowledge Christ as your Savior, you are immediately adopted into the family of God. Whether or not you have biological brothers or sisters, now you have spiritual sisters and brothers! You are a part of the body of Christ- the church. The church is made up men and women like you- all with unique gifts and strengths that are needed to accomplish the Great Commission (Matthew 28.19-20). After Jesus ascended into heaven, he promised his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit. In Acts chapter two, we read about the coming of the Holy Spirit during the celebration of Pentecost. Men and women received the Holy Spirit upon confessing Christ as Savior and repenting of their sins. These men and women formed the early church. They broke bread TOGETHER. They worshiped TOGETHER. They ministered TOGETHER. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they were STRONGER TOGETHER.
The Holy Spirit still works in believers today!
Through the Holy Spirit, Christ has made us his one body. The Lord Jesus outfits us with his Holy Spirit so that we can stand strong and advance his kingdom until the day of his final victory. The Holy Spirit unites us to Christ and his kingdom and unites us with his people, the church. He empowers us to be strong together through the Word, worship, his wonders, and reaching the world. We are always STRONGER TOGETHER!
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There is no “one way” to use this book. Whether you are a leader or simply someone wanting to grow in the knowledge of the Word, this resource is for you! The Stronger Together resource can be used for retreats, conferences, small groups and personal study. If you are leading a conference or retreat, we encourage you to incorporate this theme into every aspect of your event. The worship songs, the prayer times and even the craft should all reflect the theme. When the theme permeates each part of the event, participants are more likely to internalize the message of the theme and communicate it with others. For those leading/teaching others through this material, we have provided a presenter’s guide on page 9 that can walk you through the basics of how to prepare for your presentation. If you would like additional help, we have a resource list on page 33 with recommended reading on this topic. Perhaps this is your first time leading a retreat or maybe you are contemplating starting a retreat of your own. We have a short guide starting on page 27 of our appendices. This guide will help you think through the basics of retreat planning and budget options. Also, see our mission statement for Urban Leadership Retreats starting on page 43. This is the foundation on which World Impact builds all of its SIAFU retreats.
If you wish to order more copies of this book, it is available on Amazon.
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Our mission is to empower urban leaders and partner with local churches to reach their cities with the Gospel by offering retreats that equip women and men to be leaders in their homes, churches and communities.
Our Values
We are passionate about empowering men and women to discover, develop, and demonstrate their calling to ministry within the body of Christ and beyond (Acts 1.8).
We believe Christians are called to community. In community we build each other up recognizing individual God-given gifts and talents and joining together to expand the Kingdom (Hebrews 10.24-25).
We emphasize the one Church that Jesus built consists of all believers globally who gather in neighborhoods as local expressions of that church. (Matthew 16.19-19 | Acts 2.44- 47).
We desire to empower leaders and churches to conduct retreats in their communities by resourcing through training materials and modeling (2 Timothy 2.2).
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Our Culture
In all we say and do, we desire to glorify Christ and make Him known. We seek to create a loving and caring environment that welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and ethnic groups. We desire that individuals who attend our retreats experience a sense of belonging to a larger community.
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First Principles – Before you get started…
Attitudes you must have as a presenter.
1. Humility – Approach your presentation with humility, knowing that you have been given a sacred duty by God to speak his truth.
2. Fidelity – Approach your presentation with resolve to be completely faithful to the Lord and his Word.
3. Courage – Approach your presentation with the boldness of the Gospel, not shrinking back from anything the Lord would have you say.
Aims you must pursue in presenting.
1. Christ and His Kingdom – Your goal must be to honor Christ and to advance his kingdom.
2. Clarity – You must present clearly so that your hearers can understand and receive the Word.
3. Vividness – Infuse your presentation with life and color to help your audience fully engage the Word.
Studying the Material
Commit to represent.
1. Decide ahead of time that you are committed to teaching the material in this book.
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2. Apply all of your creativity and study not to coming up with an alternative teaching, but to understanding and presenting what you find here.
Familiarize yourself with the teachings.
1. Read over all of the teachings a couple of times.
2. Take notice of what is addressed in each teaching so that your presentation(s) fit together.
Study the biblical stories.
This resource is focused on Acts 1 – 2.
2. Read and study carefully the stories and verses highlighted in this resource.
3. Immerse yourself in the text so that your presentation will be well rooted in Scripture.
Analyze the points of the teachings until you understand them.
1. After studying the text, make a careful analysis of the points in this resource.
2. Think through them to make sure you understand what they are saying, how they fit together, and how they tell the biblical story.
Crafting the Presentation
1. Begin with the situation, experiences, concerns, and interests of the hearers. Stories and images should connect with something the hearers already know.
2. Use these to open a pathway for the Word of God into their mind and heart.
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3. Each teaching in this resource contains some Contact ideas. Feel free to develop these with your own stories and images.
1. By the power of the Holy Spirit, faithfully deliver the content.
2. Proclaim Jesus as Lord from the Scriptures. All content should come back to the biblical witness concerning Christ and his kingdom.
3. Each teaching has the major points of the Content provided.
1. Demonstrate that the Word of God is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man/woman of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3.16 – 17).
2. Help people make connections between their lives and the Bible.
3. Each teaching has some Connect points that will direct you as you make applications for your hearers.
Getting ready to present.
Pray, Pray, Pray
1. Pray before you start. Pray while you prepare. Pray during the event. Pray after you are done. Just keep praying.
2. Everything about your presentation depends on the Lord. So pray.
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Reread the Bible stories at least 10 times.
Become very familiar with the stories.
2. Listen to them, read them in different versions.
Prepare visual aids.
1. Use visual aids like computer presentations, video, images to enhance your words.
2. Be careful that your aids enhance rather than distract from the content.
Rehearse your teaching several times.
1. Know what you want to say in your presentation.
2. Having your teaching ready will free you to listen to the Spirit and be responsive to him as you present without the fear of losing the main focus of your presentation.
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The Big Point:
The Holy Spirit unites us to Christ and his kingdom and unites us with his people, the church.
a. Homes in a Hurricane or Tornado – When storms rip through a city, some homes and buildings stand while others are damaged and destroyed.
b. A Boat on a Stormy Sea – In the middle of a storm at sea, would you rather be in a single person sailboat or a massive freight liner?
2. Life is a storm of temptations to sin, to give in to anger, hopelessness, shame, guilt, pressures, bad habits, exhaustion, and frustration.
3. How will you weather this storm? Will you be damaged and destroyed? Will your life be like a tiny sailboat in a hurricane, overwhelmed in the face of the storm?
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4. What makes the difference between withstanding the storm or being destroyed?
a. We are stronger together.
b. Together, united with one another in Christ, we can withstand what would destroy us alone.
Jesus stands in victory forever!
a. Acts 1.3 (ESV) He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. b. Point – Jesus has conquered sin, death, and the devil. He is destroying the old order of things and has started a kingdom that will never end. All his enemies will be put under his feet and God will be all in all.
i. The risen Christ stands in victory forever. He will never be defeated or destroyed.
ii. In him, the power to stand exists and is available to you.
d. Illustrations
i. A Storm Shelter – A place that will stand when everything else is destroyed.
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ii. A Champion – A person who stands so that others can rally to them.
2. No one can stand alone.
a. Acts 1.6 – 7 (ESV) So when they had come together, t hey asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.” b. Point: We are still waiting for the time when Christ will bring God’s eternal kingdom. We cannot stand alone because the present world is under the power of the devil and is hostile to Christ and his kingdom.
i. You cannot stand alone. No one can.
ii. The forces at work against us are too strong for us. We are no match for the world, the flesh, and the devil.
d. Illustrations
i. A Single Ant – One ant is easy to kill, but in their colonies of millions, ants are one of the deadliest creatures on the face of the earth (see Siafu ant).
ii. Interrogation or Solitary Confinement – We are weak and vulnerable when we are alone.
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3. God gives us what we need to stand.
a. Acts 1.8 (ESV) “ But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
b. Point: The Lord promises to outfit us with his Holy Spirit so that we can stand strong together and advance his kingdom to ends of the earth.
i. You don’t have to stand alone. God himself stands with us by his Spirit.
ii. God’s Spirit make us on e body. We are stronger together!
d. Illustrations
i. Rescue – Imagine being stranded alone by a flood or a storm and knowing that you could not save yourself. Rescue is your only hope of survival. ii. Reinforcements – Imagine being part of a small force that is outmanned and overwhelmed by the enemy. Reinforcements are your only hope of victory.
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The Big Point:
The Lord Jesus will outfit us with his Holy Spirit so that we can stand strong and advance his kingdom until the day of his final victory.
1. Image: “How do I get that?” – If a group of people share a common need (money, food, childcare, etc.) and one of them suddenly finds resources to meet the need, what is the first question everyone else will ask? “What do I have to do to get that?”
2. Christ is the Victor. He will stand forever, and he gives his people what they need to stand against the world, the flesh, and the devil.
3. So “what do I have to do to get that?”
4. The Lord has made a clear path for us!
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What do we do?
a. Acts 2.37 (ESV) Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” b. Point: You cannot know the truth about Jesus and do nothing about it. There are only two kingdoms in the world. Christ is the risen and victorious Lord. Are you with the Lord or against him?
i. There are two choices. There is no third option. We are on one side or the other.
ii. Get off the fence! Either commit to Jesus as Lord or go live however you want.
d. Illustrations
i. Due Date for a bill – You can put off paying a bill for a while, but eventually it comes due. You have to do something about it, one way or another. ii. The enemy is at the gate – When an enemy attacks, your choices are fight, flight, or surrender. You have to do something or be destroyed.
2. Join Christ and his kingdom.
a. Acts 2.38 (ESV) And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of
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Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ”
b. Point: Turn from your old life of sin and death, and join Christ and his kingdom through repentance, faith, and baptism. Christ gives us his Holy Spirit which makes us part of his body.
i. Count the cost of discipleship. Christ’s victory comes by the way of the cross. Our old selves must die so that a new creation can begin.
ii. Pledge your allegiance to Jesus the Lord.
d. Illustrations
i. Wearing an old uniform to a new job (or an old uniform in a new army) – If you showed up to a new job wearing your old uniform from a previous employer, they would ask you to change. You have to put off your former uniform, and take on the new uniform. ii. Moving – If you want to live in a new residence, you have to turn off the utilities at your old place and turn them on at your new place.
3. Join the people of Christ’s kingdom .
a. Acts 2.39 (ESV) “ For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”
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b. Point: You cannot join Christ and his kingdom without joining his people, the church. The Holy Spirit makes us one body, regardless of our race, gender, ethnicity, background, or social status.
i. Joi n God’s family where all of our divisions can be healed.
ii. Fight for one another. Stand together!
d. Illustrations
i. Complaining about feeling bad but refusing medicine – Sometimes we are sick or we feel bad, but we refuse to take the medicines that will help us get better. You can’t get better until you follow the prescribed path to health. ii. Refusing rescue – Imagine being trapped or held captive for some reason. If someone you don’t like comes to save you, would you refuse them because you don’t like them? You can hold on to hate and bitterness, but you will also stay trapped in captivity.
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The Big Point:
The Holy Spirit empowers us to be strong together through the Word, worship, his wonders, and reaching the world.
a. What is this thing? – The best tool, appliance, or weapon in the world is useless unless we know what it is and how it works. Imagine someone from the time of the Apostles coming across a computer. What would they do with it? Would they realize the incredible potential of the machine? They might decide it was pointless and give up on it. b. An unused appliance or weapon – The best tool, appliance, or weapon in the world won’t help us unless we use it. Imagine cooking all of your food by making fires in the backyard and using your stove to store things. Imagine a warrior getting sliced up on the battlefield because he hung his shield as a wall decoration.
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2. God actually provides the tools we need to stand strong together.
3. Some of us need to understand what these tools are, dust them off, and put them to work!
The Power of Devotion to the Word
a. Acts 2.42 (ESV) And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
b. Point: Devoting ourselves to his Word together destroys the lies of the enemy and renews our minds in the truth.
c. Connect – Your mind is the first and most hotly contested battleground. Transformation does not come by simply changing behavior!
d. Illustration – If your fridge is not cooling, you won’t make it work by replacing the handles and cleaning the surface.
2. The Power of Entering God’s Presence in Worship
a. Acts 2.42 (ESV) And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
b. Point: Entering God’s presence together in worship releases us from condemnation and allows us to receive grace and find mercy.
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c. Connect – If you want to know God and experience his presence in your life, you should be worshipping in a church weekly.
d. Illustration – Some of us are hungry and wondering why we are out of food, but we haven’t been to the store in 3 months. If you don’t go, you can’t expect to have food.
3. The Power of Seeing the Wonders of God
a. Acts 2.43 – 44 (ESV) And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. [44] And all who believed were together and had all things in common. b. Point: Seeing the wonders of God together (his transforming and redeeming power) breaks the enslaving cycles of sin and frees us to live a new life. c. Connect – We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony! The testimony and experience of others is essential for your life in Christ. d. Illustration – It is frustrating to try to do a job or work a device when you have no idea what you are doing. You feel in way over your head. It is nice to have help from someone with experience.
4. The Power of Reaching the World
a. Acts 2.46 (ESV) And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, [47] praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to
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their number day by day those who were being saved.
b. Point: Reaching the world together saves us from destructive and useless pursuits and empowers us to represent Christ and his kingdom.
c. Connect – In Christ you have gifts and power to make an eternal impact.
d. Illustration – One gallon of water can either be a small muddy puddle or it can cut thick steel. It only depends on how it is directed. If it is just poured out with no care and no direction, you end up with a puddle. Water jet cutters, however, can direct a gallon of water so precisely and forcefully that they can cut just about anything.
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The First Step for Christ and His Kingdom............................... 26 Stronger Together Bible Study Guide ....................................... 28 Recommended Reading ............................................................ 34 Who Am I? ............................................................................... 36 Once Upon a Time: The Cosmic Drama through a Biblical Narration of the World............................................................. 39 Nicene Creed with Biblical Support .......................................... 42 ‘How - to Guide’ For Planning A Retreat: Hints & Tips ............... 44
26 Stronger Together
The first step we must take is to enter a personal relationship with the God of all creation. All of us need the salvation that God offers by grace through faith in Christ. The following are a few key verses known as “The Romans Road” that help explain this:
Romans 3.23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 6.23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 5.8 But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10.9-10 Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
Romans 10.13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be sa ved.”
If you are ready to give your life to Christ, say aloud the following prayer:
“God, thank You for loving me. I confess that I have sinned against You. I believe that Your Son Jesus died on a cross to pay for my sins, and that You raised Jesus from the dead. I now put my faith only in Jesus to forgive me and save me from my sins. I
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confess that Jesus is Lord! Thank you for your gift of eternal life. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 1
Now, find a pastor or trusted Christian friend and tell them the great news about your decision to follow Christ.
1 From the EvangeCube found at
28 Stronger Together
This study guide follows the teaching outline in the first part of the book. This study can be done on your own or in a small group.
For maximum benefit, read the entirety of Acts 1 & 2 to gain proper context.
Lesson 1
Stronger Together: The Promise
Read Acts 1.1 – 8
As you read through the passage, meditate on the following questions:
Is there an example for me to follow?
2. Is there a sin to avoid?
3. Is there a promise to claim?
4. Is there a prayer to repeat?
5. Is there a command to obey?
6. Is there a condition to meet?
7. Is there a verse to memorize?
8. Is there an error to mark?
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9. Is there a challenge to face? 2
Summary: We live in a hostile world under the power of God’s enemy, Satan. However, The Lord outfits us with his Spirit to stand together and advance his kingdom to the ends of the earth. We are the community of the Spirit, members of Christ’s body in the world.
Additional Reflection:
1. In what ways have you experienced hostility toward Christianity? How did you handle it?
2. Name one way you can be a witness for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Closing Prayer:
Dear Lord, Thank you for your gift of the Holy Spirit. Help the church to stand strong against the attacks of the enemy. Equip us and unite us as we share the light of Christ with a lost world. Amen.
2 Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible, 2007, Moody Publishers, Hendricks, Howard and Hendricks, William, Chicago, IL, 304-308.
30 Stronger Together
Lesson 2
Stronger Together: The Path
Read Acts 2.37 – 40
As you read through the passage, meditate on the following questions:
3. Is there an example for me to follow?
4. Is there a sin to avoid?
5. Is there a promise to claim?
6. Is there a prayer to repeat?
7. Is there a command to obey?
8. Is there a condition to meet?
9. Is there a verse to memorize?
10. Is there an error to mark?
11. Is there a challenge to face? 3
Summary: When we come face-to-face with the truth of the scriptures, we must respond. Jesus is the risen Lord and has gifted believers with his Spirit. You cannot know this and do nothing about it. We are to turn from the old way of sin and death and join Christ in his kingdom through repentance, faith and baptism. Joining Christ and his kingdom means joining one another- regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, background and social status.
3 Living By the Book , 304-308.
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Additional Reflection:
1. What areas of sin do you need to confess? Take some time and ask the Holy Spirit to help you turn from the old way of sin and death.
2. Christ and his kingdom are open to ALL people (Acts 2.39). What does that mean to you?
Closing Prayer:
Dear Lord, By the power of your Spirit, help us turn from our sin and live in obedience to your Word. When we are weak, you make us strong. In all we do, may we glorify you and make you known to all people.
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Lesson 3
Stronger Together: The Power
Read Acts 2.42 – 47
As you read through the passage, meditate on the following questions:
3. Is there an example for me to follow?
4. Is there a sin to avoid?
5. Is there a promise to claim?
6. Is there a prayer to repeat?
7. Is there a command to obey?
8. Is there a condition to meet?
9. Is there a verse to memorize?
10. Is there an error to mark?
11. Is there a challenge to face? 4
Summary: The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone! We are stronger when we devote ourselves to the Word together. We are stronger when we enter the presence of God together. We are stronger when the Spirit powerfully changes us together. We are stronger when we pursue our mission together.
Additional Reflection:
1. Think about a time you ministered with others in the church. What did you accomplish? How did you see God’s hand at work?
4 Living By the Book , 304-308.
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2. Are you in regular community with the people of God? If not, how can you become more involved in your church?
Closing Prayer:
Dear Lord, Thank you for your Church and the fellowship we have with other believers. Grant that we might live in unity with one another through the presence of your Spirit. When we feel tempted to isolate ourselves, draw us closer to you and your body of believers.
34 Stronger Together
Body Life
By Ray Steadman
Body Life shows you how to practice deep koinonia fellowship, to carry one another’s burdens, to share one another’s hurts, confessing to one another,
rejoicing with one another, encouraging one another, celebrating the diversity of our gifts and abilities while maintaining the unity of the Spirit. Using principles from Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4, Ray Stedman helps you discover the dynamic purpose of the church and the exciting role of each member in the body of Christ.
Get Your Pretense On
By Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
Some years ago, the apologist C. S. Lewis challenged disciples of Jesus in his classic little Christian primer, Mere Christianity, to live true to their new identities as children of God. The chapter was entitled “Let’s Pretend.” Building on that important motif, Don Davis issues a similar call to Christ followers today to “Get Your Pretense On!” He calls every believer in Christ to both understand and embrace their true identities as both citizens and ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. This book outlines a biblical and doctrinal perspective designed to help you know what it means to act worthy of your true, redeemed status and position, and to make a difference in the roles where Jesus has placed you. Take your place as a Kingdom citizen and ambassador, and represent the King with honor in your unique circle of relationships!
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Names of the Holy Spirit
By Ray Pritchard
Spirit of Truth. Dove. Spirit of Holiness. Eyes of the Lord. How much do you know about the person and works of the Holy Spirit? To many Christians, the
third member of the Trinity is a mystery. This devotional study of the Holy Spirit looks at His ministry throughout Scripture as revealed in the names the Bible gives Him.
Gospel of the Kingdom: Scriptural Studies in the Kingdom of God
By George Eldon Ladd
Ladd, whose work has included much technical study of the doctrine of the kingdom, here presents a
practical and devotional scriptural study of the many aspects of the kingdom, based on the parables, the Sermon on the Mount, and other key passages.
36 Stronger Together
Neil Anderson 5
My Identity in Christ According to the New Testament
I am the salt of the earth (Matt. 5.13).
I am the light of the world (Matt. 5.14).
I am a child of God (John 1.12).
I am part of the true vine, a channel of Christ’s life (John 15.1,5).
I am Christ’s friend (John 15.15).
I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His fruit (John 15.16).
I am a slave of righteousness (Rom. 6.18).
I am enslaved to God (Rom. 6.22).
I am a son of God; God is spiritually my Father (Rom. 8.14,15; Gal. 3.26; 4.6).
I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him (Rom. 8.17).
I am a temple — a dwelling place — of God. His Spirit and His life dwell in me (1 Cor. 3.16; 6.19).
5 Victory Over the Darkness: Realize the Power of Your Identity in Christ , 2 nd Ed., (Bethany House, 2000), pp.51 – 53
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I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6.17).
I am a member of Christ’s Body (1 Cor. 12.27; Eph. 5.30).
I am a new creation (2 Cor. 5.17).
I am reconciled to God and am a minister of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5.18,19).
I am a son of God and one in Christ (Gal. 3.26,28).
I am an heir of God since I am a son of God (Gal. 4.6,7).
I am a saint (1 Cor. 1.2; Eph. 1.1; Phil. 1.1; Col. 1.2).
I am God’s work manship — His handiwork — born anew in Christ to do His work (Eph. 2.10).
I am a fellow citizen with the rest of God’s family (Eph. 2.19).
I am a prisoner of Christ (Eph. 3.1; 4.1).
I am righteous and holy (Eph. 4.24).
I am a citizen of heaven, seated in heaven right now (Eph. 2.6; Phil. 3.20).
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3.3).
I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life (Col. 3.4).
I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved (Col. 3.12; 1 Thess. 1.4).
I am a son of light and not of darkness (1 Thess. 5.5).
I am a holy partaker of a heavenly calling (Heb. 3.1).
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I am a partaker of Christ; I share in His life (Heb. 3.14).
I am one of God’s living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house (1 Pet. 2.5).
I am a member of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession (1 Pet. 2.9,10).
I am an alien and stranger to this world in which I temporarily live (1 Pet. 2.11).
I am an enemy of the devil (1 Pet. 5.8).
I am a child of God and I will resemble Christ when He returns (1 John 3.1,2).
I am born of God, and the evil one — the devil — cannot touch me (1 John 5.18).
I am not the great “I am” (Exod. 3.14; John 8.24,28,58), but by the grace of God, I am what I am (1 Cor. 15.10).
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The Cosmic Drama through a Biblical Narration of the World 6
Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
From Everlasting to Everlasting, Our Lord Is God
From everlasting, in that matchless mystery of existence before time began, our Triune God dwelt in perfect splendor in eternal community as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the I Am, displaying his perfect attributes in eternal relationship, needing nothing, in boundless holiness, joy, and beauty. According to his sovereign will, our God purposed out of love to create a universe where his splendor would be revealed, and a world where his glory would be displayed and where a people made in his own image would dwell, sharing in fellowship with him and enjoying union with himself in relationship, all for his glory. Inflamed by lust, greed, and pride, the first human pair rebelled against his will, deceived by the great prince, Satan, whose diabolical plot to supplant God as ruler of all, resulted in countless angelic beings resisting God’s divine will in the heavenlies. Through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, they exposed themselves and their heirs to misery and death, and through their rebellion ushered creation into chaos, suffering, and evil. Through sin and rebellion, the union between God and creation was lost, and now all things are subject to the effects of this great fall – alienation, separation, and condemnation become the underlying reality for all Who, As the Sovereign God, Created A World That Would Ultimately Rebel Against His Rule
6 © 2009, The Urban Ministry Institute, Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis. Permission is granted to reproduce Once Upon A Time: The Cosmic Drama Through A Biblical Narration of the World in unaltered form with proper citation.
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things. No angel, human being, or creature can solve this dilemma, and without God’s direct intervention, all the universe, the world, and all its creatures would be lost. Yet, in His Mercy and Loving-kindness, the Lord God Promised to Send a Savior to Redeem His Creation In sovereign covenantal love, God determined to remedy the effects of the universe’s rebellion by sending a Champion, his only Son, who would take on the form of the fallen pair, embrace and overthrow their separation from God, and suffer in the place of all humankind for its sin and disobedience. So, through his covenant faithfulness, God became directly involved in human history for the sake of their salvation. The Lord God stoops to engage his creation for the sake of restoring it, to put down evil once and for all, and to establish a people out of which his Champion would come to establish his reign in this world once more. And so, through Noah, he saves the world from its own evil, through Abraham, he selects the clan through which the seed would come. Through Isaac, he continues the promise to Abraham, and through Jacob (Israel) he establishes his nation, identifying the tribe out of which he will come (Judah). Through Moses, he delivers his own from oppression and gives them his covenantal law, and through Joshua, he brings his people into the land of promise. Through judges and leaders he superintends his people, and through David, he covenants to bring a King from his clan who will reign forever. Despite his promise, though, his people fall short of his covenant time after time. Their stubborn and persistent rejection of the Lord finally leads to the nation’s judgment, invasion, overthrow, and captivity. Mercifully, he remembers his covenant and allows a remnant to return — for the promise and the story were not done. So, He Raised Up A People From Which the Governor of the Nations Would Come
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Who, As Champion, Came Down From Heaven, In The Fullness of Time, and Won through the Cross Some four hundred years of silence occurred. Yet, in the fullness of time, God fulfilled his covenant promise by entering into this realm of evil, suffering, and alienation through the incarnation. In the person of Jesus of Nazareth, God came down from heaven and lived among us, displaying the Father’s glory, fulfilling the requirements of God’s moral law, and demonstrating the power of the Kingdom of God in his words, works, and exorcisms. On the Cross he took on our rebellion, destroyed death, overcame the devil, and rose on the third day to restore creation from the Fall, to make an end of sin, disease, and war, and to grant never-ending life to all people who embrace his salvation. Ascended to the Father’s right hand, the Lord Jesus Christ has sent the Holy Spirit into the world, forming a new people made up of both Jew and Gentile, the Church. Commissioned under his headship, they testify in word and deed the gospel of reconciliation to the whole creation, and when they have completed their task, he will return in glory and complete his work for creation and all creatures. Soon, he will put down sin, evil, death, and the effects of the Curse forever, and restore all creation under its true rule, refreshing all things in a new heavens and the new earth, where all beings and all creation will enjoy the shalom of the triune God forever, to his glory and honor alone. The End. And, Soon and Very Soon, He will Return to This World and Make All Things New
And the Redeemed Shall Live Happily Ever After . . .
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We believe in one God, (Deuteronomy 6.4 – 5, Mark 12.29, 1 Corinthians 8.6 )
the Father Almighty, (Genesis 17.1, Daniel 4.35, Matthew 6.9, Ephesians 4.6, Revelation 1.8 )
maker of heaven and earth, (Genesis 1.1, Isaiah 40.28 , Revelation 10.6)
of all things visible and invisible. (Psalm 148, Romans 11.36, Hebrews 11.3 , Revelation 4.11)
We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, of the same essence as the Father, (John 1.1 – 2, 3.16 – 18 , 8.58, 14.9 – 10, 20.28, Colossians 1.15 – 17, Hebrews 1.3 – 6)
Through whom all things were made. (John 1.3, Colossians 1.16 )
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. (Matthew 1.20 – 23, John 1.14, 6.38, Luke 19.10, 1 John 3.8 ) Who for us too was crucified under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried. (Matthew 27.1 – 2, Mark 15.24 – 39, 15.43 – 47, Acts 13.29, Romans 5.8, 1 Corinthians 15.3 – 4, Colossians 2.13 – 15 , Hebrews 2.10) The third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, (Mark 16.5 – 7, Luke 24.6 – 8, Acts 1.3, Romans 6.9, 10.9 , 1 Corinthians 15.4 – 6, 2 Timothy 2.8)
7 Christ the Victor: The Guidebook (World Impact, 2014), pp.37 – 41)
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ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. (Luke 24.50 – 53, Acts 1.9 – 11, 7.55 – 56, Ephesians 1.19 – 20 )
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. (Isaiah 9.7, Matthew 24.30, Luke 1.33, John 5.22, Acts 1.11 , Romans 14.9, 2 Corinthians 5.10, 2 Timothy 4.1) We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and life-giver, (Genesis 1.1 – 2, Job 33.4, Psalm 104.30, Luke 4.18 – 19, John 3.5 – 6, 16.7 – 11, 1 Corinthians 2.11, 2 Corinthians 3.17 , Revelation 3.22)
who proceeds from the Father and the Son, (John 14.16 – 18, 14.26, 15.26, 20.22)
who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, (Isaiah 6.3, Matthew 28.19, 2 Corinthians 13.14 , Revelation 4.8)
who spoke by the prophets. (Numbers 11.29, Acts 2.17 – 18, 2 Timothy 3.16 – 17 , 2 Peter 1.21)
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. (Matthew 16.18, Ephesians 4.4 – 6 , 5.25 – 28, 1 Corinthians 1.2, 10.17, 1 Timothy 3.15, Revelation 7.9)
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sin, ( Acts 2.38 – 39 , 22.16, 1 Peter 3.21, Ephesians 4.4 – 5)
and we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come. (Isaiah 11.6 – 10, Luke 18.29 – 30, 1 Corinthians 15.22 – 25 , Revelation 21.1 – 5, 21.22 – 22.5)
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Planning A Retreat: Hints & Tips
We hope that you will consider how you could offer a retreat in your community, whether a full weekend or a one-day event. We desire to resource you to host retreats for those in your circle of influence. We offer the following considerations to help you think through the process of organizing a retreat in your area.
The primary consideration in hosting a retreat is to determine the reason you are gathering. Your purpose will affect considerations related to the theme, resources, personnel, and venue for your retreat.
Incorporate the theme into every aspect of your retreat. The worship songs, the prayer times and even the craft should all reflect the theme. When the theme permeates each part of the event, participants are more likely to internalize the message of the theme and communicate it with others.
It takes a team to plan a retreat. Choose a team composed of individuals with the necessary skills and gifts that can work together to put on the retreat. You may need someone with administrative skills that can help with registration and budget details. It will also be important to establish who leads the team. This person will set the agenda and make sure all the tasks are completed. Most importantly, this team will spend time praying for the retreat and all who will attend.
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Your purpose and theme drive the supplies you will need regarding content. Of course, World Impact has many resources, available through The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI), such as past retreat books and a host of other resources. See the complete list of resources at ( However, you may want to design your materials. The main thing is that you consider the cost of purchasing or printing materials. Who will lead various portions of your retreat or conference is also a matter of purpose. If worship will be an emphasis at your event, who would you like to lead worship? If you do not know, where will you find a band? If teaching or preaching is a primary objective, who do you want to speak? What materials will they cover? If small groups are going to be an essential part of your retreat, who will lead the groups? How will you prepare them to lead the groups? These questions are meant only to encourage you to think through the kinds of lessons we have learned after hosting retreats for years. For example, if the purpose of your retreat is primarily fellowship and activities you will want to find a retreat center or other location that offers plenty of opportunities for sports, games, and campfires. If your primary purpose is a time in worship and the Word, then you will need a location with ample meeting space, PA system, projectors, etc. If you envision spending time in smaller group conversations then you will need a place with multiple rooms or areas to accommodate those groups. Personnel Venue
Your purpose will also speak into the amount of time you plan to spend together. Would your goal be best accomplished through a weekend retreat, a one day retreat,
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or a conference format? Thinking about how much time you will need to achieve your specific purpose and vision is a key to creating a meaningful experience for attendees.
Budget and Registration
It is important to think through each step of the retreat with costs in mind to create a budget (see the sample budgets that follow). Also, it would be good to consider how you will process registrations and collect payments. We have seen increased registrations and payments since moving to an online registration site called Most sites like it will take a minimal portion of the payment for administrative fees. However, having the online registration process has helped grow registrants.
Sample Retreat Budget - Weekend Format (50 attendees) Pre-Retreat Costs Qty Cost per Total
T-shirts (S - XL) T-shirts (2X - 5X)
30 $ 6
$ 180
Use your favorite vendor
Most companies charge a bit more for larger sizes
20 $ 8
$ 160
50 $ 7
$ 325
Books with Shipping Costs
Printed Materials
You will more than likely have printer costs It’s good to have a few prizes on hand for drawings
$ 50
$ 50
$ 100 $ 100
Snacks, lunch, water, and coffee supplies Camp (meeting room, lodging & meals)
Beyond meals refreshments are always good
$ 125 $ 125
This is a general estimate based on past costs
50 $ 125 $ 6,250
Total Weekend Format Costs Total in Retreat Payments or Scholarships
$ 7,190
If you charge $150 per person
50 $ 150 $7,500
The event pays for itself
Stronger Together 47
Sample Retreat Budget - One Day Format (50 attendees) Pre-Retreat Costs Qty Cost per Total
T-shirts (S - XL) T-shirts (2X - 5X)
30 $ 6
$ 180
Use your favorite vendor
Most companies charge a bit more for larger sizes
20 $ 8
$ 160
Books with Shipping Costs
50 $ 7
$ 325
Printed Materials
You will more than likely have printer costs It’s good to have a few prizes on hand for drawings Beyond meals refreshments are always good If you cater use non- profit tax status Total One Day Format Costs Total in Retreat Payments or Scholarships
$ 50
$ 50
$ 100 $ 100
Coffee and Breakfast foods
50 $ 5
$ 250
50 $ 10
$ 500
$ 1,565
If you charge $35 per person
$ 35
The event pays for itself
48 Stronger Together
Sample Retreat Budget - Lunch Conference Format (25 attendees) Pre-Retreat Costs Qty Cost per Total Comments T-shirts (S - XL) 15 $ 6 $ 90
Use your favorite vendor
T-shirts (2X - 5X)
Most companies charge a bit more for larger sizes
10 $ 8
$ 80
25 $ 7
$ 163
Books with Shipping Costs
Printed Materials
You will more than likely have printer costs It’s good to have a few prizes on hand for drawings If you cater use non-profit tax status Total One Day Format Costs Total in Event Payments or Scholarships
$ 15 $ 15
$ 25 $25
25 $10 $ 250
$ 623
If you charge $25 per person
25 $ 25 $625
The event pays for itself
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free — and all were made to drink of one Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12.12 – 13 (ESV)
Through the Holy Spirit, Christ has made us his one body. This book outlines the promise, the path, and
power of being
. The Lord Jesus
outfits us with his Holy Spirit so that we can stand strong and advance his kingdom until the day of his final victory. The Holy Spirit unites us to Christ and his kingdom and unites us with his people, the church. He empowers us to be strong together through the Word, worship, his wonders, and reach-
ing the world. We are always
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