Stronger Together

20  Stronger Together

b. Point: You cannot join Christ and his kingdom without joining his people, the church. The Holy Spirit makes us one body, regardless of our race, gender, ethnicity, background, or social status.



i. Joi n God’s family where all of our divisions can be healed.

ii. Fight for one another. Stand together!

d. Illustrations

i. Complaining about feeling bad but refusing medicine – Sometimes we are sick or we feel bad, but we refuse to take the medicines that will help us get better. You can’t get better until you follow the prescribed path to health. ii. Refusing rescue – Imagine being trapped or held captive for some reason. If someone you don’t like comes to save you, would you refuse them because you don’t like them? You can hold on to hate and bitterness, but you will also stay trapped in captivity.

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