Stronger Together

30  Stronger Together

Lesson 2

Stronger Together: The Path

Read Acts 2.37 – 40

As you read through the passage, meditate on the following questions:

3. Is there an example for me to follow?

4. Is there a sin to avoid?

5. Is there a promise to claim?

6. Is there a prayer to repeat?

7. Is there a command to obey?

8. Is there a condition to meet?

9. Is there a verse to memorize?

10. Is there an error to mark?

11. Is there a challenge to face? 3

Summary: When we come face-to-face with the truth of the scriptures, we must respond. Jesus is the risen Lord and has gifted believers with his Spirit. You cannot know this and do nothing about it. We are to turn from the old way of sin and death and join Christ in his kingdom through repentance, faith and baptism. Joining Christ and his kingdom means joining one another- regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, background and social status.

3 Living By the Book , 304-308.

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