Stronger Together

Stronger Together  9

First Principles – Before you get started…

Attitudes you must have as a presenter.

1. Humility – Approach your presentation with humility, knowing that you have been given a sacred duty by God to speak his truth.

2. Fidelity – Approach your presentation with resolve to be completely faithful to the Lord and his Word.

3. Courage – Approach your presentation with the boldness of the Gospel, not shrinking back from anything the Lord would have you say.

Aims you must pursue in presenting.

1. Christ and His Kingdom – Your goal must be to honor Christ and to advance his kingdom.

2. Clarity – You must present clearly so that your hearers can understand and receive the Word.

3. Vividness – Infuse your presentation with life and color to help your audience fully engage the Word.

Studying the Material

Commit to represent.

1. Decide ahead of time that you are committed to teaching the material in this book.

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