The Ancient Witnesses

104 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots

does not mean he was smarter than Adam or that he was evil before being used by Satan.” 37 “You are saying that God created the serpent good?” asked Mentor, joining the discussion. “Every creature God created was created good!” replied Severian, “that the serpent was craftier than other beasts may suggest only that he was better suited to befriend the man and woman.” “The serpent stayed close by them,” said Ephrem, “except in the midst of the Garden, where he could not enter.” 38 “Why could the serpent not enter the garden?” asked Mentor. “I believe no creatures except the man and woman were permitted in the inner region of Paradise, where the man and woman communed with God,” replied Ephrem. “We sing about this in our Hymns of Paradise . Would you like to hear?” asked Ephrem. “Yes, please,” said Mentor. Ephrem went to one of the passageways and called to some witnesses seated in the second section. Several hooded figures came into the Crux and stood around the lectern. Led by Ephrem they began to sing:

As for that part of the Garden, my beloved, Which is situated so gloriously at the summit of that height… Perhaps that blessed tree, the Tree of Life is,

37 Based on Ephrem of Syria, Commentary on Genesis , Section II.15 (not in NPNF) in Sebastian Brock, Hymns on Paradise , Saint Ephrem the Syrian (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990), pages 206-210.

38 Same as previous note.

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