The Ancient Witnesses

Chapter 4: The Unfolding of Time, Part 1 • 119

“I love the story of Abraham!” said Preacher. “Many episodes flow from his story,” said Mentor, “from Abraham’s call to the return of a faithful remnant from exile.” “Can you tell us exactly what episodes we’ll be seeing?” asked Cesar. Mentor named the following, which I recorded in my journal.

1. The Promise and the Patriarchs 2. The Exodus and the Covenant at Sinai 3. The Promised Land 4. The City, the Temple, and the Throne 5. The Exile 6. The Remnant

“You have but a brief time to explore each episode,” said Mentor, “so be watchful.” “What exactly are we watching for?” asked Joseph. “The Good News about the seed of the woman,” replied Mentor. “Do we go to the reading room now?” asked Cesar. “You are not yet prepared,” replied Mentor. He invited Cesar up to the lectern to the read aloud from the lectern Bible. Cesar stood next to Mentor, gazing at the large letters of the Greek Bible. After a moment, he began reading confidently. Now the lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I

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