The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 4: The Unfolding of Time, Part 1 • 121
“The adoption of Israel is crucial for salvation history,” added Father Greg. “Why is that?” asked Cesar. “This is where the people of God have their beginning,” explained Father Greg. “The Jews were God’s chosen people until they disobeyed,” said Cesar, “now it’s us—the Church, and we’re Gentiles.” “Wait,” said Joseph, “according to Paul ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’” 6 “He also says, ‘If you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s offspring,” I added. “Please draw your answers from the Hebrew Scriptures,” Mentor insisted. “Ha!” said Cesar, “your answers are disqualified.” “But Christ is not mentioned by name in the Old Testament,” said Joseph. “Very well,” said Mentor, “you may begin with the Apostle’s teaching.” “If you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed!’” repeated Joseph. “What is the historical interpretation of that teaching?” asked Mentor. 7 “Excuse me?” asked Joseph. “Why did the Apostle write his epistle?” Mentor clarified. “To correct the ‘foolish Galatians,’” answered Joseph.
6 See Gal. 3:28-29.
7 Ancient Biblical exegesis included four levels of interpretation, the first of which—historical—sought a literal understanding of the words.
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