The Ancient Witnesses

Chapter 4: The Unfolding of Time, Part 1 • 123

“Several witnesses testify to The Unfolding of Time ,” explained Mentor. “To begin, our brother Justin Martyr testifies to a Jew in Rome; Bishop Ambrose of Milan instructs his catechumens in Milan; and Bishop Irenaeus teaches hearers on the frontier.” 9 Mentor reminded us to be watchful for the seed or offspring of the woman. As he turned to leave, the five of us took our places at the reading table. I put my head down on the table and waited, but hearing a voice, I sat up again. I found myself seated on a bench in a beautiful park. The air was fresh as early morning, and there was a gardener working nearby. I was vaguely aware of Father Greg and my fellow students nearby as well, but they were like shadows compared to the brilliant scene before us. A young man walked by, it was Justin Martyr from the Athenaeum. An old man called out to him and the two began a dialogue.

Trypho the Jew: Greetings, O philosopher! 10 Justin Martyr: What’s worth knowing, Sir?

Trypho: Well, as a disciple of Corinthus the Socratic, I was taught never to disrespect a man wearing the philosopher’s robe, but to show kindness and to engage him in discussion for the edification of myself or for both our sakes! Justin: And who are you, most excellent man?

9 Catechumen is the ancient term for anyone being instructed in the Christian faith; hearers refers to beginners in the catechesis process.

10 A paraphrased version of portions of Justin’s Dialogue of Trypho, A Jew chapter 1 (ANF 1, 194).

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