The Ancient Witnesses
142 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots
led out of Egypt by means of your own exodus! For, while the original exodus happened only once, the exodus of faithful believers never stops happening.” I’m pretty sure none of us had ever heard a sermon like Augustine’s, whose comparisons were creative but fanciful. “Thank you,” said Mentor to Augustine. “Never forget,” said Augustine as he excused himself from the Crux, “the new in the old is concealed, and the old in the new is revealed!” Preacher’s stomach was making noises, probably because we had not eaten anything since entering the Athenaeum. At the lectern, Mentor was studying his Bible in preparation for the next episode. The lesson, he announced, would be on the Passover, which he called the Pascha . He directed us to follow along in Joseph’s Bible. “At the time of the final plague,” said Mentor, “the children of Israel were commanded to guard their households from the death angel and to prepare for a journey. How did they make their preparations?” “They slaughtered a lamb and put its blood on their door posts,” said Joseph. “And they roasted the lamb,” added Preacher, “it was a Passover barbeque!” “What else, asked Mentor. “I know something,” I said, “but may I read it from your Bible?” Mentor nodded, and I went to the three-sided lectern to read aloud: The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you,
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