The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 5: The Unfolding of Time, Part 2 • 155
Joseph did not reply but looked at his hand. “You use your finger, do you not?” asked Irenaeus. “I use my fingers to hold a pencil,” said Joseph, confused. “Do you find it strange that our God, like a wise teacher, would write something for our instruction?” asked Irenaeus. “Not at all,” replied Joseph, “it’s just that I was trying to picture God writing with his finger.” “You pictured God’s finger like a drill or jack hammer, didn’t you?” said Preacher, “I know cause that’s what I was thinking!” “God’s ways are always suited to the time and place,” explained Irenaeus, “Moses was in the wilderness, so the Almighty’s lessons were on tablets of stone.” “I see now,” said Joseph. “God is our wise teacher,” Irenaeus continued, “he trains humanity so they will grow from infancy to maturity. 5 Sadly, Israel failed to keep the commandments and statutes.” Irenaeus began listing examples of disobedience from Adam until the coming of Christ, the Second Adam . He then described a pattern of obedience and blessing in relation to Adam, Noah and Noah’s sons, as well as Abraham, Moses, David, and Christ. 6 Those who obeyed, such as Noah and his sons Shem and Japheth, were 5 Based on Rowan A. Greer, Broken Lights and Mended Lives: Theology and Common Life in the Early Church (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986), 39. 6 This pattern in Irenaeus’ writings was first identified by Susan L. Graham, in “Zealous for the Covenant: Irenaeus and the Covenants of Israel” (PhD dissertation, University of Notre Dame, 2001), 98-106.
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