The Ancient Witnesses

Chapter 5: The Unfolding of Time, Part 2 • 157

“This is what the Scripture means when it says the blessing was enlarged to Japheth ,” he concluded, “because through the Gentiles, the future Church, receives its fruit.” The Promise Land Having outlined lessons learned by the Patriarchs and Moses, Irenaeus went on to Joshua and the Conquest of the Promised Land. The topic of fruit came up again— this time the gigantic grapes that the spies discovered and brought back, further supporting the pattern of obedience and blessing. 11 “The grapes are blessings God had prepared for Israel in the Conquest,” Irenaeus explained, “to motivate them to take the land.” “I remember that story from Sunday school,” said Preacher, “but why couldn’t Moses go into the promised land?” Irenaeus’s lengthy explanation left Preacher scratching his head. “Mentor,” he asked, “can you please get Turtle to answer my question?” “He means Tertullian,” said Father Greg. Mentor left the Crux, returning in a few moments with Tertullian, who offered this answer, “Moses could not go in, not because he sinned, He’s the discipline, so he could not go in;

He’s the law, not the grace, That’s a whole different case; Joshua used a flint knife,

11 See Num. 13:23.

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